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photographs from my everyday

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14 August 2005

Anemonies -Taken by me, Baltimore, MD

Went back home for the weekend -- Burke is great
sometimes i wonder why people dislike it so much

The family and i went to the Baltimore aquarium
i have to say, it is a lot more crowded than i remember
it is almost as though i couldn't even see the exhibits
and it felt like there weren't as many specimen

i am unsure about places like that
(especially after Bioethics.. but that's a totally different subject)

i got to bum a ride of off Mimi--
she was kind enough to being me to NoVA with her
i have to say, the ride is/goes so much faster with her behind the wheel

finished Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince-- hrrrm is all i can say

all in all, it was a very good weekend


Blogger sharyl said...

B-more aquarium! i remember going there last year. i keep telling everyone in Cali how great it is since their Aquarium in Long Beach is nothing compared to what we have in B-more! hahah

i thought this week was gonna be better. i swear i must have some kind of psycho illness! hahah! i think they call it PMDD (pre-menstrual dyphoric disorder). yep happens at least once a month. Hate it!

anyways, thanks for the hugs! here's one for you >>>HUG<<< hehehe! take care!!

3:30 AM  

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